Pennsylvania-responsibility species

Pennsylvania-responsibility species (the term may also refer to subspecies or varieties) is one for which Pennsylvania plays a key role in sustaining its global security by hosting at least 10% of its North American population or encompassing at least 25% of its North American range. Pennsylvania-endemic species are a special subgroup, consisting of species whose entire known ranges lie within the borders of the state. Unless or until they are found in other states, Pennsylvania-endemic species include Snetsinger’s purseweb spider (Atypus snetsingeri), flypoison bulb-borer moth (Papaipema sp. 1), Powdermill forestfly (Soyedina merritti), Refton Cave planarian (Sphalloplana pricei) and Stellmack’s cave amphipod (Stygobromus stellmacki).

To see photos of examples of Pennsylvania-responsibility species, click on the thumbnails below or watch the slide show on the home page.

© Pennsylvania Biological Survey 2023
Website administrator: Roger Latham